- Position:
- Janice
- 719 264 0103
- 719 337-4303
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" Janice has volunteered for Pikes Peak Hospice for 17 years. I have known her for 7 of those years. She helped teach me how to understand K-9 behavior since I run the Animal Companion program at PPHPC. We have around 15 active therapy dog teams visiting patients. Janice has trained or worked with at least half of those dog teams. Her methods are kind, and reward based which really gives you the best therapy dog possible.
When dogs want to work for attention and treats, they will go to great lengths to please whatever sick or dying person is in front of them. Our Animal Companion program wouldn't be what it is today without Janice's help. She even walks the talk. She brings her Golden Retriever, Daniel, to our Unit at Penrose Hospital every Friday to visit Hospice patients. Janice lives and breathes loving, training, coaching, testing, volunteering with and rewarding dogs to make this world a better place one paw at a time. Thank you Janice Mann!! "
Nicole M.
Integrative Therapies Volunteer Coordinator
Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care